Summer Program 2021 #Task2
🧾Task Description:
- Launch a GUI supported container on docker
- Run any GUI software on the container
Step1: Check the Docker
We use the command:
docker info
if Docker is unavailable, We use the command:
yum install docker-ce
Step-2: Pull container image and run the container
To pull the container, We use the command:
docker pull centos
Run the container, We use the command:
docker contaiiner run -it — net=host — name=<container_name> -env= DISPLAY<docker_image>:<version>
Explanation of code
docker container run -i -t — name=<name> centos:latest is The conventional code of creating a container with interactive(-i) terminal(-t).
net=host- to configure the container's network so that it shares the network interface with the host.
1. This allows us to use the internet inside our docker without further configuration.
2. It allows the x-11 connection to run on the host.
env= DISPLAY- We specify that the environmental variable ‘DISPLAY’ will be the same inside container as well as the host machine.
Step-3: Installing python3 and other softwares
i) Install Python
We use the command:
yum install python3
ii) Install Firefox
We use the command:
yum install firefox
iii)Install Jupyter Notebook
Python3 has a dependency called pip3
We use the command:
pip3 install jupyter
Step 4: Launch the GUI
Launch the Jupyter Notebook, We use the command:
jupyter notebook — allow-root
A Firefox Window opens with Jupyter running in it